Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Late. Professor Daya Krishna Memorial Lecture followed by Felicitation of Outstanding Students of the College for their Creative exemplary Academic Participation During the Session 2016-2017 (18 April, 2017)

The Department organized Professor Daya Krishna Memorial Lecture on the theme "Police Administration and Women Safety: Issues and Affirmative Actions". Shri Ketan Patil Baliram IPS,Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Fazilka, Punjab, delivered the invited lecture. On the occasion Shri Ketan Patil Baliram informed about the role of police administration in providing safety and security to the people of the society. He discussed the initiatives taken by the police administration for women safety in particular and citizens in general. He encouraged the students to pursue their carrier with creativity and inspired them to apper for civil services examination and serve the society. Many students asked significant questions to which the SSP Shri Ketan Baliram responded. Sixty Five students from the Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur were awarded the prestigious “Daya Krishna Philosophy Award 2017”, for their outstanding contribution in the academics and seminars organized at the College, University level and beyond. They were felicitated by the Chief Guest Shr Ketan Baliram. Dr. Anju Gupta, Head, Post Graduate Department of Chemistry extended the vote of thanks.

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